May 30, 2006

Nacho Libre

Del director de Napoleon Dynamite, con Jack Black... NACHO LIBRE!!

Posted by roge at 11:55 PM | Comments (1)

Sidai Martin In Town

Uno de mis Sidai de los Estates, Martin, se vino de visita con su novia Sarah, así que les llevamos a dar una vuelta por Madrid, a entrenar un rato en casa de Alberto, y a cenar al Casa Camuñas. (Alex también estuvo aunque no aparezca en las fotos)

Posted by roge at 11:47 PM | Comments (5)

May 23, 2006

El encargo de Dani (I)

Este es mi primer encargo profesional como pintor :) aun no está terminado (sobre todo la chica). El trato es el siguiente, el cliente me envía una foto, yo pinto el cuadro y, al terminar, si le gusta se lo queda por 100 Euros. Si no le gusta me lo quedo yo.

Si alguno quereis un auténtico Rogeman Chang dedicado ya sabeis... ;)

Posted by roge at 12:02 AM | Comments (8)

May 20, 2006


a donde

Posted by roge at 11:45 PM | Comments (6)

May 18, 2006


Posted by roge at 1:19 AM | Comments (2)

May 12, 2006


Hoy he tenido un sueño. Al despertar he cogido una libreta y lo he dibujado..

Como tengo una letruja que no se si es legible os lo traduzco:
R:Pero..que haces aqui sirviendo hamburguesas en vez de usar tus superpoderes para ayudar al mundo?
S:Bueno, la cosa de los superheroes está malita.. no hay demanda y el sueldo es bajo.. asi que estoy haciendo esto de momento.. ¿y tu?

¿Que estoy haciendo con mi vida? Estoy trabajando en un curro mediocre a cambio de cacahuetes en vez de estar usando mis superpoderes por el bien de la humanidad..

Posted by roge at 11:32 PM | Comments (2)

May 10, 2006

Superman Returns!! Superman Returns!!

SUPERMAN RETURNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by roge at 5:23 PM | Comments (1)

May 6, 2006

personas maravillosas

Bailando por mi camino a veces me cruzo con otras personas que llevan el mismo ritmo que yo y, de forma subconsciente, se forma un vinculo amistoso que me llena de felicidad.

Posted by roge at 2:37 AM | Comments (2)

May 4, 2006


X_DD que bueno

Posted by roge at 5:47 PM | Comments (5)

May 3, 2006

Coffee and cigarettes

Bill: Are you alright, Taylor?
Taylor: No, not really.
B: What's up?
T: Ohhh, I don't know. I feel so divorced from the world. I've lost touch with the world....Do you know that song by Mahler, "I've Lost Track of the World"?
B: No.
T: It's one fo the most beautiful, saddest songs ever written. I can, I can, I can almost hear it now...Can you hear it?.......Oh, oh, it's gone now. But, did you hear it?
B: I think so.
T: It reson-resonated right through the whole building.
T: Where- where are we?
B:In the Armory Taylor
T:"The armory, Taylor."
T:It sounds so heavy and ponderous.
T:"The armory."
B:Nikola Tesla...
B:perceived the Earth as a conductor...
B:of acoustical resonance.
T:I have no idea what you're talking about.
T:Can you explain it to me?
B:- No, not really.
T:- I know.
T:Let's pretend this coffee is champagne.
B:Why would we do that?
T:Well, to celebrate life.
T:You know, like the rich, elegant people do.
T:The classy people.
B:I prefer coffee.\NSimple, working man's coffee.
T:You're so provincial, Bill.
T:Do you know what your problem is?
T:You have no joie de vivre.
I don't?
T:No. Besides, this coffee is awful.
B:- You're right. It really is bad, isn't it?
T:- Dreadful.
T:I propose a toast.
B:So what should we toast?
T:Paris in the 1920s.
T:Josephine Baker, the Moulin Rouge.
B:What is it? Okay?
B:And also...
B:New York in the '70s.
B:In the late '70s.
T:Really? All right.
B:Delicious, isn't it?
T:Champagne: Nectar of the gods.
T:Is that all you're having for lunch,coffee and a cigarette?
T:It's not very healthy.
B:We had lunch earlier.
T:We did?
B:We're on a break here, a coffee break.
T:How depressing.
T:How long is our break, anyway?
B:About 10 minutes, and it's nearly over now.
T:Say it isn't true.
T:- Well?
B:- What?
T:I asked you to say it isn't true.
B:Say what isn't true?
T:Never mind.
T:Anyway, I have to have a nap.
T:So call me when the break is over.
B:Well, you have two minutes or less for your nap.

Posted by roge at 8:25 PM | Comments (0)

Viaje a miramar Abril 2006

Ya estamos de vuelta de miramar :D ha estado guapo, plan relax, partiditas de pocha, playa y salir..

para ver las fotos pincha en la foto de abajo

Posted by roge at 1:11 AM | Comments (2)