"-What are you doing?
-Building a cyb3rnode core. Modern battles against 3vil are fought in both digital and physical space. You can be victorious in the physical world but find yourself compromised in the digital plane.
We face dangerous threats on both fronts. Without a secure, hard and robust cyb3rnode to operate from, there can be no victory.
I am building the network core that will support and protect that node.
Never before have I built a network this powerful, this secure, this l33t.
I purchased the finest equipment with the latest technology. The rest I had to build from scratch.
Ph34r my m4d mod'n sk1llz."
Extracto de megatokyo
Temblad ante el poder de mi nuevo y flamante pentium 4 a 2,3 Ghz!!!! La mavenet crece en poder y se hace cada vez mas inexpugnable y l337. Tras la estelar incorporacion de la Playstation 2 ahora el ordenador wooden dummy ha pasado de ser una caca de 500 mhz que se colgaba porque le compre la placa a un moro con garantia de morolandia a ser un 2,3 Ghz l337 7hunder7hor mastah.
Solo admirad el tamaƱo de su ventilador.
W007! w007!
sabia q me sonaba el dialogo segun lo leia...
Posted by: Dario on May 25, 2003 1:11 AMThanks for this blog
Posted by: Underage on October 23, 2004 2:54 PMGreat Blog
Posted by: Preteen on October 23, 2004 3:16 PMHello
Posted by: big tits and on November 13, 2004 4:50 AM